@article{LS, author = {Tran Kien}, title = { Computer Program Protection in Vietnamese Law: Practices and Challenges}, journal = {VNU Journal of Science: Legal Studies}, volume = {34}, number = {4}, year = {2018}, keywords = {}, abstract = {This article analyzes the provions governing computer program protection in Vietnam. It argues that Vietnam has learnt from foreign law and practice in governing computer program as a work of authorship. However, authors’ rights protection has its own limits, loopholes that at times hinder the effective protection of computer program. It is thus necessary to re-think the current approach or look for a better legal model, a mechanism of protection that better governs computer program in Vietnam. Keywords: Computer program, authors’ rights, patent, contract, intellectual property law. References: [1] Stair, Ralph M. và đồng nghiệp, Principles of Information Systems, Sixth Edition. Thomson Learning, Inc, 2003, trang 132. 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