@article{PaM, author = {Vũ Đàm}, title = { Identification of The Barriers in Implementing Decision No. 79/2005/QĐ-TTg of Prime Minister on Socio-Economic Development and National Defense and Security for the Northern Midland and Mountainous Region}, journal = {VNU Journal of Science: Policy and Management Studies}, volume = {32}, number = {1}, year = {2016}, keywords = {}, abstract = {Abstract: Barriers to the implementation of Decision No. 79 should be considered from a systematic approach. (1) The most important barrier is in Decision No. 79 itself, showed by the development of only infrastructure, unclear objectives of economic and social development; (2) Barriers at macro-level management, manifested in the absence of the direction of the macro-management agencies; (3) Barriers at micro-level management, demonstrated by proactive implementation and scattering target; and (4) Barriers from economic environment and social policy are the dispersion of resources on the target that is not to develop the Northwest.Keywords: Barriers, systems approach, implicit restriction, indicator, Macro, Micro, Environment}, issn = {2588-1116}, url = {https://js.vnu.edu.vn/PaM/article/view/1017} }