Bui Trinh, Pham Le Hoa

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This study is to compare the economic structure through the intersectoral structure of the two economies of Vietnam and China. It shows differences in levels of economic structure and induced impacts on revenue, imports, energy requirements, and carbon dioxide emissions in producing a final product unit; and gives an overall picture of the economy to help policy makers to make the best decisions for the economy and the environment.


Linkage index, economic structure, carbon dioxide emission, Vietnam, China


1. Asian Development Bank, Financial Soundness Indicators for Financial Sector Stability in Vietnam, Manila, 2015.
2. Bui Trinh, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Trung Dien Vu, Pham Le Hoa, Nguyen Viet Phong, “New Economic Structure for Vietnam Toward Sustainable Economic Growth in 2020”, Global Journal of Human Social Science Sociology Economics & Political Science, 12 (10), 2012.
3. Bui Trinh, Pham Le Hoam, “Some Findings of Vietnam’s Economic Situation in the Relationship with China”, American Journal of Economics, 4 (5), 2014.
4. Tổng cục Thống kê Việt Nam, www.gso.gov.vn
5. Guo, D., G.J.D. Hewings, “Comparative Analysis of China’s Economic Structures Between 1987 and 1997: An Input-Output Prospective”, Discussion Paper at Regional Economics Applications Laboratory, Urbana, 2011.
6. H.W. Richardson, Input-Output and Regional Analysis, New York:John Wiley and Sons, 1972.
7. IMF World Economic Outlook Database, https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2016/01/weodata/index.aspx
8. Miller, R.E., P.D. Blair, Input-Output Analysis Foundation and Extension, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985.
9. Guo J, Planting MA (2000) Using Input-Output Analysis to Measure U.S. Economic Structural Change Over a 24 Year Period. Paper presented at The 13th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques, 21-28 August. Macerata, Italy
10. National Beureau of Statistics of China, http://www.stats.gov.cn/english
11. Nedelyn Magtibay-Ramos Gemma Estrada Jesus Felipe, “Exploring the Philippine Economic Landscape and Structural Change Using the Input-Output Framework”, Working Paper No. 631 Asian Development Bank, Manila, 2010.
12. Sonis, M., G.J.D. Hewings, “Economic Landscapes: Multiplier Product Matrix Analysis for Multiregional Input-Output Systems”, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 40 (1999), 59-74.
13. To TrungThanh, Nguyen Viet Phong, Bui Trinh, “Some Comparisons between the Vietnam and China’s Economic Structure, Policy Implications”, Advances in Management & Applied Economics, 6 (2016) 3, 153-166.
14. Wassily Leontief, Structure of the American Economy, 1919-1929, Cambridge Mass: Harvard University Press, 1941.

Keywords: Đầu vào - đầu ra, chỉ số liên kết, cấu trúc, Việt Nam, Trung Quốc.


1. Asian Development Bank, Financial Soundness Indicators for Financial Sector Stability in Vietnam, Manila, 2015.
2. Bui Trinh, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Trung Dien Vu, Pham Le Hoa, Nguyen Viet Phong, “New Economic Structure for Vietnam Toward Sustainable Economic Growth in 2020”, Global Journal of Human Social Science Sociology Economics & Political Science, 12 (10), 2012.
3. Bui Trinh, Pham Le Hoam, “Some Findings of Vietnam’s Economic Situation in the Relationship with China”, American Journal of Economics, 4 (5), 2014.
4. Tổng cục Thống kê Việt Nam, www.gso.gov.vn
5. Guo, D., G.J.D. Hewings, “Comparative Analysis of China’s Economic Structures Between 1987 and 1997: An Input-Output Prospective”, Discussion Paper at Regional Economics Applications Laboratory, Urbana, 2011.
6. H.W. Richardson, Input-Output and Regional Analysis, New York:John Wiley and Sons, 1972.
7. IMF World Economic Outlook Database, https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2016/01/weodata/index.aspx
8. Miller, R.E., P.D. Blair, Input-Output Analysis Foundation and Extension, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985.
9. Guo J, Planting MA (2000) Using Input-Output Analysis to Measure U.S. Economic Structural Change Over a 24 Year Period. Paper presented at The 13th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques, 21-28 August. Macerata, Italy
10. National Beureau of Statistics of China, http://www.stats.gov.cn/english
11. Nedelyn Magtibay-Ramos Gemma Estrada Jesus Felipe, “Exploring the Philippine Economic Landscape and Structural Change Using the Input-Output Framework”, Working Paper No. 631 Asian Development Bank, Manila, 2010.
12. Sonis, M., G.J.D. Hewings, “Economic Landscapes: Multiplier Product Matrix Analysis for Multiregional Input-Output Systems”, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 40 (1999), 59-74.
13. To TrungThanh, Nguyen Viet Phong, Bui Trinh, “Some Comparisons between the Vietnam and China’s Economic Structure, Policy Implications”, Advances in Management & Applied Economics, 6 (2016) 3, 153-166.
14. Wassily Leontief, Structure of the American Economy, 1919-1929, Cambridge Mass: Harvard University Press, 1941.