Pham Van Dung

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Today, food security and national food secuirty ensurance should be viewed from the perspetive of the market economy and the international integration because these constantly changing contexts have significant impacts on those issues. After over 30 years of innovation, though the State has addressed the food secuirty related issues effectively, Vietnam is still facing with enormous challenges and instabilities. Therefore, Vietnam should consider and amend food production and export activities in size and quality; build mechanism, policy to facilitate paddy farmers,... The State has to ensure food security while it should satisfy the market’s requirements, ensure income of paddy farmers, and needs of food enterprises.
Food security, market economy, integration, Vietnam
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Keywords: Food security, market economy, integration, Vietnam.


1. Chính phủ: Nghị Quyết về đảm bảo an ninh lương thực quốc gia, Hà Nội ngày 23/12/2009.
2. Tạ Ngọc Tấn (Chỉ đạo biên soạn và xuất bản): An ninh quốc gia – Những vấn đề an ninh phi truyền thống, NXB Chính trị - Hành chính, Hà Nội – 2013.
3. Tổng cục thống kê, Niên giám thống kê năm 2016, NXB Thống kê, Hà Nội - 2017