Luu Thi Minh Ngoc, Nguyen Thi Trang Nhung, Nguyen Phuong Mai, Dao Phu Quy

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The goal of the study is to analyze social networking related factors influencing consumers’ trust and intent to purchase online via social networks in the Vietnamese market. The model of social commerce adoption of Hajli (2015) is used as the primary research framework to analyze the factors affecting Vietnamese consumers’ trust when purchasing goods through Social Networks [1]. Research results through a Google Form online questionnaire survey with a sample size of 1037 consumers, identified four elements of social networks affecting consumers’ trust including forums and groups, ratings and reviews, reference groups and information security. In addition, this study also proved that perceived usefulness had both a direct and indirect impact on consumers’ online purchasing intention through trust.

Keywords: Perceived usefulness, social network, retail trade, TAM, trust, Vietnam


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