Ho Hoang Lan, Doan Danh Nam

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Despite having endorsed civil rights and equality of all individuals, society nowadays remains segregated in many aspects. Apparently, those with unfamiliar styles (culture, communication, religion, etc.) have always been the centre of this malaise, which is getting even more serious with the recent immigrant crisis in Europe. Hence, the goal of this literature review is to gain an understanding of research into the causes of prejudice and discrimination so far. Specified in this paper are the reasons why such employment discrimination still exists, which may come down to one or more of five major factors: Ethnicity and Religion, Culture Norms and Values, Educational Level, Historical and Contemporary Issues and Organizational Environment. None alone would be solely sufficient to explain the causes; hence, this paper will attempt to connect them into one integrated model. Ethically, this paper pointed out not only the roots but also the solutions to them. Though, it is a complex issue, requiring a systematic solution, societal awareness and action. However, the paper has given details of potential future directions from household to national level that may simplify the complexity of the solutions.

Keywords: Immigrants, employment discrimination, prejudice, ethnic conflict, foreign-born worker.


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