Hoang Dam Luong Thuy, Nguyen Thu Ha

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With the view to examine the relationship between customer experience and behaviour in Vietnamese tourism service, this study integrates and analyses significant factors composing customer experience and customer behaviour. Methods of secondary data analysis and information interpretation are applied in the scope of this research. Based on results, the study proposes an integrative research framework about the relationship of customer experience and customer behaviour in this specific context. The framework includes customer experience (independent factors) including brand style, staff-customer interaction, customer-customer interaction, atmosphere, which lead to customer behaviour (dependent factors), namelycustomer satisfaction, loyalty, word of mouth and co-creation. Basing on research findings, tourism companies need to enhance positive experiences in every touch point during service process in order to satisfy travellers, which will create customer loyalty, word of mouth and co-creation when using tourism service in Vietnam. At the moment, this is an important contribution when researching about customer experience, not only in tourism sector, but also in competitive service sector in Vietnam.

Keywords: Customer experience, customer behaviour, tourism service, Vietnam tourism sector


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