Ly Dai Hung

Main Article Content


The paper accesses the fast and sustainable development of the Vietnam economy in the 1990-2020 period. The content of fast and sustainable development is approached by multidimensions with the decomposition of fast development analyzed by two dimensions - time-series and spatial. The decomposition of sustainable development is approached by two notions including weak and strong sustainability. Qualitative and quantitative analysis is employed, based on a vector auto-regression model and cross-section regression, with the dataset reflecting Vietnam and the world economy. The evidence records that Vietnam has achieved the time-series-dimension fast development combined with weak sustainability as well as spatial-dimension fast development combined with weak sustainability, but not the time-series-dimension fast development combined with strong sustainability as well as spatial-dimension fast development combined with strong sustainability.

Keywords: Sustainable development, economic growth, vector auto-regression, cross-section regression, Vietnam.*


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