Vu Phuong Lan, Dinh Thi Bao Hoa

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Abstract. The application of remote sensing technology and GIS for flood mapping is considered as a method that has the advantage of being quick and effective.

The aim of this research is to (1) identify flooded area by using digital image processing approach; (2) to build GIS database about inundated area according to water level rise, inundated area according to water level depth; (3) to assess the impacted area and its damage due to flooding in the study area.

By using remote sensing and GIS technologies, this article presented the process of establishing thematic map which will be used to estimate the impact assessment due to flooding in Vinh Phuc province. This result will also convey for post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction processes.

Keywords: Flood map, remote sensing, GIS, flooding, impact assessment.


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