Nguyễn Tài Tuệ, Mai Trọng Nhuận, Trần Mạnh Liểu

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The present study analyzed rural-urban linkages in Da Nang city, Vietnam, where is undergoing high rates of urbanization. The research results showed that the rural-urban linkages provide many opportunities for mobilizing and exchanging migrants, commodities, capital, and innovation between rural areas and urban centers, and improvement disaster management systems of the city. The adequate development of transportation, communication and information services, education and health services in urban areas is an important fundamental for promoting connection between the urban and rural areas. The rural-urban linkages play crucial roles in enhancing the income of rural dwellers through the flow of cash from the migrants and knowledge sharing on natural disasters and climate change between urban to rural areas. According to the climate change scenarios, the surface- and ground-water resource depletion is one of the greatest challenges of the rural communities in the northern districts and flood is a major threat to communities living in the low ground elevation and near the river basin in southern districts of the Da Nang city. The knowledge of the rural-urban linkages will provide more efficient means for enhancing resilience to natural disasters in the fast growing cities.

Keywords: urbanization, rural-urban linkages, climate change, Da Nang city.


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