Le Quang Toan, Pham Van Cu, Bui Quang Thanh

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Abstract: The expansion of perennial crops area plays an important role for supporting the human livelihood in the Central Highlands, so have negative impacts on deforestation and sustainable development. Remote sensing and GIS were used to analyze the trajectories of perennial crops cover change in relationship with deforestation. The Logistic regression models were used to analyze proximate reasons and spatial changing determinants of main land cover changes for the period 2004-2016 of Bảo Lâm district. The result show that the perennial crops changes are indicator for deforestation in Bảo Lâm district with high deforestation rate 0,8% per year caused by the expansion of annual crops, blind area and the expansion of perennial crops. The facile accessed forest and suitable forest area for perennial crops have more destroyed. The trajectories of perennial crops and forest cover changes are important scientific towards sustainable development.


Keywords: Remote sensing, perennial crops, forest cover change.


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