Quy Trần Văn, Hà Thị Nguyễn, Đồng Thành Nguyễn, Hoàng Viết Nguyễn

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Abstract: The impact of pH, reaction time, Al3+/ P molar ratio, phosphate concentration and polymer concentration on the phosphate removal by alum sunfate was carried out. The obtained results showed that optimal conditions for phosphate removal by Al2(SO4)3.18H2O was as follow: pH of 6,0; reaction time about 30 minutes, Al3+/P mole ratio of 2:1; polymer concentration of 1,0 mg/L. Initial phosphate concentration did not affect significantly on the removal efficiency. Test with real wastewater (taken from To Lich river) proved that these abover condition was applicable.


Keywords: Keywords: Phosphate removal; chemical precipitate; influence factors.


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