Trinh Thi Tham, Nguyen The Duc Hanh, Nguyen Thi Anh Thu, Trinh Thi Thuy

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Abstract: In this study, we assessed effects of temperature inversions on air quality in Hanoi, is the capital of Vietnam with the business development speed also as urbanization high in year near here. Temperature inversions occur frequently in the cooler seasons, exacerbating the impact of emissions and diffusions from industry and traffic. This research used concentration of PM2.5 data gathered from 02 automatic air quality monitoring station located North Centre for Environmental Monitoring, Vietnam environment administration and U.S Embassy Hanoi. The data on the change of temperature in the depth was collected from the meteorological stations Hanoi in 2017 aimed to analyze the frequency of the temperature rating of the Heat Rate of the Heat Temperature and the Heat of the temperature inversions and impacts of that on concentration of PM2.5 in the atmosphere. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) with Indipendent-Sample T - Test was used to evaluate the difference in concentration of PM2.5 between the inversion days and the non-inversion days. The results also revealed that there was statistical difference (Sig. <0,05) between PM2.5 levels in the ambient air on the inversion days and those on the normal day.

Keywords: Temperature inversions, Concentration of PM2.5, Ambient air.


Tài liệu tham khảo

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Keywords: Temperature inversions, Concentration of PM2.5, Ambient air


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