Tran Dinh Linh, Chu Thi Thu Huong, Tran Thi Kim Ngan

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Abstract: In order to investigate the characteristic of Summer Monsoon in the Southern of Vietnam (SM) during Tropical Cyclone (TC) activity in the Vietnam’s East Sea (VES), we use the ERA Interim reanalysis data to determine the characteristic of SM intensity in two areas at three levels (1000mb, 850mb and 700mb). The first area (0 - 100N; 105 - 1100E) is used to examine the change of wind from Australian High and the second area (5 - 150N; 90 - 1050E)isused to analyze the change of wind from Mascarene High. These variations are investigated towards two characteristics: (1) Anomaly of wind compared with mean value and (2) Appearance frequency of wind in each value range. The results show that SM intensity during TC activity in the VES is less dependent on the time of year. SMI is stronger from 30% up to 85% of the mean values. In addition, during TC activity in the VES, frequency of SMI gets the maximum value in the range of VTB - 1,5VTB or 1,5VTB - 2VTB with the total of frequency from 55% to 75%.

Keywords: Characteristic of Summer Monsoon; Tropical Cyclone activity in the Vietnam’s East Sea.


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Keywords: Characteristic of Summer Monsoon; Tropical Cyclone activity in the Vietnam’s East Sea.


[1] Nguyễn Viết Lành (2007), Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của gió mùa Á-Úc đến thời tiết, khí hậu Việt Nam, Báo cáo tổng kết đề tài nghiên cứu khoa học cấp Bộ.
[2] Trần Đình Linh, Lê Minh Đức, Nguyễn Thị Thanh Tâm, Đỗ Thị Tuyết Mai (2016), Đặc điểm các trung tâm khí áp và trường hoàn lưu thời kỳ mùa hè trong các pha ENSO, Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học Semregg lần thứ 3, p55-62.
[3] Jianhua Ju, Julia Slingo (1995), The Asian summer monsoon and ENSO, Royal Meteorologycal Society, Volume 121, Issue 525, p1133-1168.
[4] Xuezhen Zhang, Maowei Wu, Yang Liu, Zhixin Hao, Jingyun Zheng (2018), The relationship between the East Asian Summer Monsoon anf El-Nino – Southern Oscillation revealed by reconstructions and a control simulation for millenium, Quaternary International (online publish).
[6] I Hilmi, N S Ningsih, I Sofian, A M Rizal (2018), The study of MJO impact on wave hight and wind speed in Indosian Seas, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 162 (2018) 01/2004.