Bui Nam Khanh

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For nearly half a century, Vietnam and Cambodia have negotiated and signed many legal documents to resolve the territorial border issue. On the basis of these documents, the two countries have also implemented the demarcation and planting of land border markers since the beginning of 1986. By the end of 2019, Vietnam and Cambodia have demarcated 1,045 km, or 84%. Although only 16% of the volume needs to be completed, these are border areas with complex and difficult problems, requiring the determination and efforts of both countries to complete the division and demarcation according to international laws, creating conditions for the management and assurance of national defense and security in the border areas. Based on the method of researching international history and analyzing foreign policy, the research paper clarifies the process of cooperation on demarcation and border planting between Vietnam and Cambodia from 1986. At the same time, the analysis shows the achieved results and limitations in this work as a basis for proposing solutions for the two countries to complete the border demarcation.