Trinh Quoc Toan

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For a long period of time, both law makers and practitioners in Vietnam upheld the traditional theory claiming that legal persons could not be the subject of crimes and hence could not be held criminally liable. That notion started to change with the promulgation of the 2015 Criminal Code by the National Assembly stipulating corporate criminal liability. However, corporate criminal liability is still a new, complicating issue that is introduced into the Criminal Code for the first time and thus can not escape certain problems, shortcomings from the perspective of law-making activities. It thus needs more theoretical and practical research, conducting lessons learnt from other countries. This article presents a new research on a number of issues concerning corporate criminal liability from comparative law perspective in Vietnamese criminal law and other eight countries which are the members of the OHADA (Central African Republic, Togo, Cameroon, Guinea, Chad, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Garbon) such as: legal persons are the subject of offences and the subject of criminal liability; scope of corporate criminal offences; elements of corporate criminal law; criminal liabilities aggregation; punishments. On the premise of comparative law research, the article draws some conclusions and proposes certain recommendations to improve the provisions on corporate criminal liabililty in the current Vietnamese criminal law.

Keywords: Corporate criminal liability, application’s conditions, punishments, Vietnam, OHADA, 2015 Criminal Code’s Recommendations.


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