Mai Hai Dang

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This study examines how Project-Based Learning (PBL) influences the attitudes and motivation of law students in School of Law, VNU to learn International Envirnomental Law. The sample of the study consists of 100 students from School of Law, VNU. The study used a mixed methods research design: quantitative as well as qualitative. The two research hypotheses were as follows: (1) Project-Based Learning increases student motivation; and (2) Project-Based Learning improves student attitudes? The study's findings indicate that an intervention that combines the teaching of International Envirnomental Law with Project-Based Learning results in both increased motivation among students and more positive attitudes towards studying International Envirnomental Law. Students reported greater pleasure, curiosity, interest, and cooperation when Project-Based Learning was used. The findings suggest that introducing Project-Based Learning can bring about improvements in both student motivation and their attitudes.