Mai Thanh Đức, Dương Hồng Anh, Peter C Hauser, Phạm Hùng Việt

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t3l Thanh Duc Mai, Benjamin Bomastyk, Hong
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Automated capillary electrophoresis with on-
160 m 240 280
lm 2oo soo .*ffi
Thdigian (s)
Hinh 6. Phdn t6ch ddng thdi anion nhanh vi ch$m st
dlrng budc tlng 6p. (A) P: l,'7 bar ttr t:0 s; (B) P
:2,4bat tit r = 0 s; (c) & = 1,7 bar rir r: 0 s, P2=
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400 V/cm; pha tlQng: His 90 mM vi MES 90 mM.
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succinat; (9) xitat; (10) axetat; (l l) lactat; (12)
salixylat; (13) benzoat; (14) sorbat; (15) ascorbat;
(16) gluconat.
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