Đặng Đức Nga, Nguyễn Văn Vinh

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More than 100 species of more 20 genus Calcareous nannoplankton fossils in
sediments of the Nam Con Son basin are founded at the first time. They are
categoried as follows:
Cyclicargolithus abisectus -Discoaster deflandrei assemblage
(superbiozone) of over part of the formation Cau - under part of the formation Dua;
equivalent zones from NP24 to NN! (Martini,1971), from CP19 to CNla-b
(Bukry,1981), most of the stages Chati and Aquitan; has age late Oligoxen - early
part of early Mioxen;
- Biozones: Discoaster druggii, Sphenolithus belemnos, Helicosphaera
ampliaperta, Sphenolithus heteromorphus, Helicosphaera philippinensis,
Discoaster kugleri, Catinaster coalitus, Discoaster hamatus, Discoaster bellus,
Discoaster quinqueramus of over - middle part of the formation Dua, the formation
Thong - Mang cau, the formation Nam Con Son, equivalent zones fromNN2 to
NNll (Martini,1971),from CNlc to CN9 (Bukry,1981), stages Burdigal, Langhi,
Seraval, Torton and Messin; has age Mioxen;
- Biozones: Discoaster mendomobensis, Ceratolithus rugosus, Reticulofenestra
psudoumbilica, Discoaster brouweri most of the formationBien Dong, equivalent
zones from NN12 to NN18 (Martini, 1971), from CN10 to CN12 (Bukry), stages
Zancli, Piaxen; has age Plioxen;
- Biozones: Crenalithus doronicoides, Gephirocapsa oceanica, of over part of
the formation Bien Dong, equivalent zones from NN19 to NN20 (Martini,1971),
from CN13 to CN 14 (Bukry,1981), stage Calabria; has age Pleistoxen.


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