Nguyen Thi Thuy, Vu Minh Duc, Nguyen Thanh Liem

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Abstract: Hydroxyl and oxirane functionality were calculated from molecular weight and hydroxyl or oxirane-oxygen content of polyol. The effect of reaction parameters like the amount of reagents, catalyst, temperature and time on a polyol synthesis was studied through the hydroxyl and oxirane functionality of product. Moreover, the impact of the parameters on the selectivity of catalyst was determined by comparing a polyol yield to an epoxide ring opening yield. When the hydroxylation reaction was carried out with ESO:H2O molar ratio of 1:15; in 8 wt.% of H2SO4; at temperature of 70oC and in 5 hours, the polyol yield of reaction was 70.32%  and  the hydroxyl functionality of polyol reached to 5.63

Keywords: Keywords: Epoxidized soybean oil, biopolyol, nucleophile, epoxide ring-opening


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