Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Vu Thi Hoa Dua, Tran Anh Duc

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The species composition of water beetles (order Coleoptera) was investigated in Quang Nam province, including Dak Mi Protected Forest, Ngoc Linh Nature Reserve, the Species Conservation Area for Elephant, and My Son Sanctuary. Based on samples collected in 2015 and 2015, 34 species belonging to 26 genera and eight families were identified. Of these, five were first records for Vietnam, Porrorhynchus marginatus Laporte, Gyrinus distinctus Aubé, Orectochilus punctipennis Sharp, Macronychus reticulatus Kodada, and Laccobius senguptai Gentili. Among eight families found in the area, the family Elmidae was the most diverse with eight species, Hydrophilidae and Gyrinidae with seven species, Dytiscidae with six species, Dryopidae with three species and three families Chrysomelidae, Staphylinidae, Heteroceridae each with only one species respectively. This the first and preliminary data on the water beetle fauna of Quang Nam province.

Keywords: Coleoptera, water beetle, Quang Nam province


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