Duong Nghia Binh, Nguyen Thu Giang, Le Thi Ly, Do Thi Tuyen, Vu Xuan Tao, Le Hong Diep

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Cordyceps genus is a pathogenic fungus parasitizing several insect species in nature. Many Cordyceps species are medical mushrooms due to their usages as crude drug and a folk tonic food for human welfare. Cordyceps cicadae is one of the most important medicinal mushrooms used popularly in recent years. The extract from Cordyceps cicadae has potent in anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant activities. In this study, a strain of Cordyceps cicadae was isolated in Vietnam and identified based on morphological characteristics and the specific ITS sequence. The optimal growth of this fungus was observed in MT2 medium at 20oC, humidity of 90%, light intensity of 500 lux.

Keywords: Cordyceps cicadae, medicinal mushrooms, cultivation, isolation


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