Nguyen Minh Tri, Nguyen Dinh Thanh, Vu Ngoc Toan, Hoang Mai Linh, Ngo Thi Ngoc Mai, Tran Thi Hai Yen, Ngo Thi Thuy, Nguyen Thi Thuy Huong, Pham Thi Thuy Van, Tran Thi Hai Yen, Nguyen Thi Kim Giang, Dang Thi Tuyet Anh

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Azide derivatives of isatins were the needed initial materials for click chemistry in order to form 1,2,3-triazoles. N-(ω-Bromoalkyl)isatins were prepared by nucleophilic reaction of (un)substituted isatins with appropriate dibromoalkanes. Some ω-azidoalkylisatins were synthesized by reaction of corresponding ω-bromoalkylisatins with sodium azide. The reactions were performed in dry DMF as solvent in the presence of KI as promotive agent. Product yields achived 30-85%.

Keywords: Azide, alkylation, azidation dibromoalkanes, isatins


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