Trieu Thi Nguyet, Do Huy Hoang, Nguyen Manh Hung, Vu Thi Bich Ngoc, Pham Anh Son

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The Cu2O/ZnO double films were fabricated using chemical vapor deposition technique from zinc pivalate and copper(II) acetylacetonate precursors. The crystalline phase composition of the films was examined by powder X-ray diffraction. The membrane surface morphology was studied by scanning electron microscope and atomic force microscope. Film thickness was measured on a surface profilometer. The electrical properties of the fabricated films, such as mobility and carrier concentration, and resistivity are determined by the Hall effect measurement method. The obtained results show that the double film consists of a Cu2O crystal layer with a cubic structure grown on a ZnO crystal layer, with an uneven surface. Cu2O/ZnO double film with Cu2O layer deposited at 240 oC has the best electrical properties. The electrical properties of the double film are better as the Cu2O layer thickness increases: the carrier concentration is highest, and the mobility is lowest when the thickness of Cu2O layer is 474 nm, the resistivity decreases as the Cu2O layer thickness increases.

Keywords: Double film, Cu2O, ZnO, CVD, sublimation, semiconductor.


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