Applying the TAM and TOE Integrated Framework in Researching the Social Media Adoption in Retail Businesses in Vietnam
Main Article Content
Social media has been growing and strongly impacting on retail businesses in Vietnam. With the advantages of applying social media in business, online retail businesses have become popular and effective. Based on the synthesis of the theory of social media and the models related to technology adoption behaviours of enterprises (TAM model and TOE model), the article proposes a research framework on factors affecting the decision to adopt social media in retail business in Vietnam.
Social media, retail, social media applications in business, Vietnam
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[37] Andzulis, J. “Mick,” Panagopoulos, N.G., Rapp, A., “A Review of Social Media and Implications for the Sales Process”, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 32 (2012), 3, 305–316.
[38] Venkatesh, V., Davis, F.D., “A Theoretical Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model: Four Longitudinal Field Studies”, Management Science, (2000), 46, 186–, xem tại:, 2010 (truy cập ngày 12/2/2019).
[2] Hiệp hội thương mại điện tử Việt Nam. Báo cáo Chỉ số thương mại điện tử 2019.
[3] Hiệp hội thương mại điện tử Việt Nam. Báo cáo Chỉ số thương mại điện tử 2018.
[4] Kaplan A. M., & Haenlein, M., “Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media”, Business Horizons, 53 (2010) 1, 59-68.
[5] Dearborn, E., My official definition of social media. Trích dẫn Bernard J.K. & Patience E.D., Effect of Social Media on Academic Performance of Students in Ghanaian University: A case study of University of Ghana, Legon (2018).
[7] Enders, A. and Jelassi, T., “The converging business models of Internet and bricks-and-mortar retailers”, European Management Journal, (2000) 18, 542–550.
[8] Kane, G. C., Alavi, M., Labianca, G., & Borgatti, S. P. “What's different about social media networks? A framework and research agenda”, MIS quarterly, 38 (2014) 1, 275-304.
[9] Chen X., Madhavan K., Vorvoreanu M. “A Web-Based Tool for Collaborative Social Media Data Analysis”, 2013 IEEE Third International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing, 383-388.
[10] Tripopsakul, S., “Social media adoption as a business platform: an integrated tam-Toe framework”, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies (2018) 18, 350-362.
[11] Aral, S., Dellarocas, C., Godes, D., “Introduction to the Special Issue —Social Media and Business Transformation: A Framework for Research”, Information System Research 24 (2013), 1, 3–13.
[12] Schiffman and Kanuk, Consumer behavior, Prentice-Hall international Editions, 3rd ed, 1987.
[13] Davis, F.D., “Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology”, MIS Quarterly, 13 (1989), 2, 319-340.
[14] Lederer, A.L., Maupin, D.J., Sena, M.P., & Zhuang, Y.L., “The technology acceptance model and the World Wide Web:. Decision Support System, (2000), 29, 269-282
[15] Alam S.S., “Adoption of internet in Malaysian SMEs”, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 16 (2009), 2, 240-255.
[16] Alam, S., & Noor, M., “ICT adoption in small and medium enterprises: An empirical evidence of service sectors in Malaysia”, International Journal of Business and Management, 4 (2009), 2, 112-125.
[17] Yang, K., “Exploring factors affecting the adoption of mobile commerce in Singapore”, Telematics and Informatics, 22 (2005), 3, 257-277.
[18] Alam, S.S., Ali, M.Y., & Jani, M.F.M., “An empirical study of factors affecting electronic commerce adoption among smes in Malaysia”, Journal of Business Economics and Management, (2011), 12, 375-399.
[19] Lee, J., Runge, J., Baek, S., & Shek, S., “Adoption of Internet technologies in small businesses”, PACIS 2001 Proc, 71.
[20] Tornatzky, L.G., Fleischer, M., & Chakrabarti, A.K., “The processes of technological innovation. Issues in organization and management series”. Lexington Books 1990. Available at http://www.Amazon.Com Processes-Technol. Innov-Organ. Accessed June 10, 2013.
[21] Lippert, S.K. and Govindarajulu, C., Technological, Organizational, and Environmental Antecedents to Web Services Adoption, (2006) 6, 15.
[22] Jeyaraj, A., Rottman, J.W., Mary C., “A review of the predictors, linkages, and biases in IT innovation adoption research”, Journal of Information Technology, 21 (2006), 1, 1-23 DOI: 10.1057/palgrave.jit.2000056.
[23] Bruque, S., Moyano, J., “Organisational determinants of information technology adoption and implementation in SMEs: The case of family and cooperative firms”, Technovation, (2007) 27, 241–253.
[24] Tarafdar, M., Vaidya, S.D., “Challenges in the adoption of E-Commerce technologies in India: The role of organizational factors”. International Journal of Information Management, (2006), 26, 428–441.
[25] Fityan, A., Huseynov, F., “Factors Affecting the Adoption of Social Media as a Marketing Tool: A Case Study of Turkish Small and Medium ‑ Sized Enterprises”, Operating in Textile Manufacturing Sector. Önetim Ekon. Ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Derg. (2018), 44.
[26] Ghobakhloo, M., Hong Tang, S., “The role of owner/manager in adoption of electronic commerce in small businesses: The case of developing countries”, Journal of Small Business Enterprise, (2013) 20, 754–787.
[27] Alshamaila, Y., Papagiannidis, S. and Li, F., “Cloud computing adoption by SMEs in the north east of England: A multi-perspective framework”, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 26 (2013), 3, 250–275.
[28] Bandura, A., “Self-efficacy mechanism in human agency”, American Psychologist, 37 (1982), 2, 122 – 147.
[29] Hill, T., Smith, N.D., Mann, M.F., “Communicating innovations: Convincing computer phobics to adopt innovative technologies”, Advances in consumer research. Association for Consumer Research, North America, (1985) Adv.
[30] Marcati, A., Guido, G., Peluso, A.M., “The role of SME entrepreneurs’ innovativeness and personality in the adoption of innovations”, Research Policy, 37 (2008), 9, 1579–1590.
[31] Thong, J.Y., Yap, C.-S., “CEO characteristics, organizational characteristics and information technology adoption in small businesses”, Omega 23, (1995) 429–442.
[32] Agarwal, S., & Prasad, J., “Are individual differences germane to the acceptance of new information technologies?” Decision Sciences, 30 (1999), 2, 361-391.
[33] Chau, P., “An empirical assessment of a modified technology acceptance model”, Journal of Management Information Systems, 13, (1996), 2, 185-204.
[34] Awa H. O., Ukoha O., Emecheta B. C., “Integrating TAM and TOE frameoworks and expanding their characteristic constructs for E-commerce adoption by SMEs”, Proceedings of Informing Science & IT Education Conference (InSITE) 2012.
[35] Lippert, S.K., Govindarajulu, C., “Technological, Organizational, and Environmental Antecedents to Web Services Adoption, Research Gate, 6 (2006), 1, 146-157.
[36] Alam, S.S., Khatibi, A.A., Ismail, H.B., Ahmad, I., “Perceived Benefits of E-Commerce Adoption in the Electronic Manufacturing Companies in Malaysia”, Journal Social Sciences, 1 (2005), 3, 188–193.
[37] Andzulis, J. “Mick,” Panagopoulos, N.G., Rapp, A., “A Review of Social Media and Implications for the Sales Process”, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 32 (2012), 3, 305–316.
[38] Venkatesh, V., Davis, F.D., “A Theoretical Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model: Four Longitudinal Field Studies”, Management Science, (2000), 46, 186–, xem tại:, 2010 (truy cập ngày 12/2/2019).