The Relationship Between Manufacturing Strategy and Firm Performance at Vietnamese Manufacturers
Main Article Content
This paper employs statistical methods to analyze quantitative data collected based on the survey framework of the High Performance Manufacturing project (HPM) during the period from 2014-2015 in Vietnam and worldwide. The study aims at investigating the practices of Manufacturing Strategy and its relationship with firm performance at Vietnamese Manufacturers with focus on the technology aspect. The results have shown the important roles of Manufacturing Strategy and the technology aspects as well as their significant, positive impacts on firm performance. Meanwhile, the study also brings valuable insights and lessons to management of Vietnamese manufacturers regarding Manufacturing Strategy and technolgy.
Manufacturing Strategy, Competitive Priorities, Technology choices, Vietnamese Manufacturers, Industry 4.0.
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2. Ang, J. S., Shimada, T., Quek, S. A., & Lim, E. (2015). Manufacturing strategy and competitive performance–An ACE analysis. International Journal of Production Economics, 169, 240-252.
3. Baur C. và Wee Dominik (2015) Manufacturing’s next act. McKinsey insights.
4. Berry, W. L., Hill, T., & Klompmaker, J. E. (1999). Aligning marketing and manufacturing strategies with the market. International journal of production research, 37(16), 3599-3618.
5. Boyer, K. K., & Lewis, M. W. (2002). Competitive priorities: investigating the need for trade‐offs in operations strategy. Production and operations management, 11(1), 9-20.
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7. Chatha, K. A., & Butt, I. (2015). Themes of study in manufacturing strategy literature. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 35(4), 604-698.
8. Dangayach, G. S., & Deshmukh, S. G. (2001). Manufacturing strategy: literature review and some issues. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 21(7), 884-932.
9. ĐP (2017). HSBC: Ngành sản xuất có thể đưa kinh tế trở lại quỹ đạo tăng trưởng. Thời báo Ngân hàng. Truy cập ngày 25/6/2017 tại: http://thoibao
10. Flynn B.B., Schroeder R.G., Flynn E.J., Sakakibara S., Bates K.A. (1997) World-class manufacturing project: Overview and selected results, International Journal of Operations and Production Management 17 (7) 671-685
11. Hayes, R. H., & Pisano, G. P. (1994). Beyond world-class: the new manufacturing strategy. Harvard business review, 72(1), 77-86.
12. Hayes, R. H., & Wheelwright, S. C. (1984). Restoring our competitive edge: competing through manufacturing. Harvard Business School.
13. Hill, T. (1993). Manufacturing strategy: strategic management of the manufacturing function.
14. Kotha, S., & Swamidass, P. M. (2000). Strategy, advanced manufacturing technology and performance: empirical evidence from US manufacturing firms. Journal of Operations Management, 18(3), 257-277.
15. Laureano Paiva, E., Revilla Gutierrez, E., & Roth, A. V. (2012). Manufacturing strategy process and organizational knowledge: a cross-country analysis. Journal of Knowledge Management, 16(2), 302-328.
16. Lin, Y., Ma, S., & Zhou, L. (2012). Manufacturing strategies for time based competitive advantages. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 112(5), 729-747.
17. McCaig, B., & Pavcnik, N. (2013). Moving out of agriculture: structural change in Vietnam (No. w19616). National Bureau of Economic Research
18. McGrath, M., & Bequillard, R. (1989). International manufacturing strategies and infrastructural considerations in the electronics industry. Managing International Manufacturing, Elsevier Publishers, 23-40.
19. Nguyễn Như Phong (2013) Quản lý sản xuất. Nhà Xuất bản Đại học Quốc gia. ISBN: 987-604-73-1640-3.
20. Nguyễn Thị Hạnh (2018) Thực trạng Chiến lược sản xuất của công ty đa quốc gia Huawei. Tạp chí Công thương.
21. Schroeder, R. G., & Flynn, B. B. (Eds.). (2002). High performance manufacturing: Global perspectives. John Wiley & Sons
22. Schroeder, R. G., Bates, K. A., & Junttila, M. A. (2002). A resource‐based view of manufacturing strategy and the relationship to manufacturing performance. Strategic management journal, 23(2), 105-117.
23. Singh, H., & Mahmood, R. (2014). Aligning manufacturing strategy to export performance of manufacturing small and medium enterprises in Malaysia. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 130, 85-95.
24. Skinner, W. (1969). Manufacturing – the missing link in corporate strategy, Harvard Business Review May/Jun, 136-145..
25. Sonntag, V. (2003). The role of manufacturing strategy in adapting to technological change. Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 14(4), 312-323.
26. Swamidass, P. M., & Newell, W. T. (1987). Manufacturing strategy, environmental uncertainty and performance: a path analytic model. Management science, 33(4), 509-524.
27. Swink, M., & Way, M. H. (1995). Manufacturing strategy: propositions, current research, renewed directions. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 15(7).
28. Tracey, M., Vonderembse, M. A., & Lim, J. S. (1999). Manufacturing technology and strategy formulation: keys to enhancing competitiveness and improving performance. Journal of operations management, 17(4), 411-428.
29. Tuominen, M., Rajala, A., & Möller, K. (2004). How does adaptability drive firm innovativeness?. Journal of Business Research, 57(5), 495-506.
30. Việt Dũng (2019) Tổng vốn FDI đổ vào Việt Nam năm 2019 cao nhất trong vòng 10 năm. Tạp chí Tài chính. Truy cập ngày 1/2/2019 tại
31. Ward, P. T., & Duray, R. (2000). Manufacturing strategy in context: environment, competitive strategy and manufacturing strategy. Journal of operations management, 18(2), 123-138.
32. Ward, P.T., McCreery, J.K., Ritzman, L.P., & Sharma, D. (1998). Competitive priorities in operations management. Decision Sciences, 29(4), 1035-1046.
33. Youndt, M. A., Snell, S. A., Dean Jr, J. W., & Lepak, D. P. (1996). Human resource management, manufacturing strategy, and firm performance. Academy of management Journal, 39(4), 836-866.