Pham Quang Nam, Tran Quang Duc, Le Lan Phuong, Hoang Danh Huy, Pham Thanh Ha, Phan Van Tan

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This study investigates the sensitivity of physical parameterization schemes in two regional dynamic models clWRF (the climate Weather Research and Forecasting) and RegCM (the Regional Climate Model) in the simulation of tropical cyclones (TCs) over Western Pacific Ocean and East Sea. The experiments include 12-cases for clWRF model and 6-cases for RegCM model were conducted to run the simulation, with the same domain parameters, resolution 25 km. Results show that the clWRF can simulate TCs well with the Betts-Miller-Janjic convection scheme and WSM6 microphysics, in which convection schemes are more influential, and the RegCM is with the Kain-Fritsch convection scheme and Zeng oceanic flux. Regarding the number of TCs simulation, most of them are higher than observed and CFSnl (Climate Forecast System analysis) data, therein the RegCM is higher than the clWRF.

Keywords: parameterizations, regional models, tropical cyclones, Western Pacific Ocean, East Sea.


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