Pham Van Quang

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Abstract: Epigeic Metaphire sp., anecic Amynthas zenkevichi, and endogeic Amynthas robustus are three earthworm species commonly found in Northern Vietnam and are expected to have contrasting impacts on soil structure and water infiltration. Through computed tomography and image analysis, our study confirmed contrasting burrowing behaviors among these species and their differential effects on water flow under saturated conditions. Metaphire sp. was a surface-dwelling species, exhibiting a food consumption and surface cast production of 4.57 and 11.05 times their weight, respectively. They made few burrows near the soil surface (0.02% of the soil column), resulting in negligible influence on water infiltration. A. zenkevichi was less active on the soil surface, with lower food consumption and surface cast production (2.48 and 7.52 times their weight, respectively). Their drilosphere (zone of soil directly influenced by earthworms) accounted for 3.92% of the soil column, characterized by vertical burrows (55.4º), fewer branches, distributed throughout the soil column, and high connectivity, leading to a 1.68-fold increase in water infiltration compared to the control. Meanwhile, A. robustus was only active within the first 10 cm of the soil column. Their drilosphere occupied 3.25% of the soil column, consisting of horizontal burrows (14º), disconnected by deposition within the burrows, resulting in no significant difference in water flows in comparison with the control column without earthworms. Additionally, the ratio between compaction zone around burrows and burrows made by A. zenkevichi has a larger than that of A. robustus (2.4 and 1.3, respectively), despite their similar diameter.





Keywords: Earthworms, burrowing behaviors, computed tomography, soil water infiltration.


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