Dao Thu Van

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In the 20th and the beginning of 21st centuries, research of education in Vietnam was popular among Japanese scholars. Their works investigated the whole national education system as well as every detail at each level in that system, appeared in a large number of Japanese translations of law, policies, etc. about education in Vietnam. 

Through two major sources, the website http://ci.nii.ac.jp/ where people can search for books and journal articles published in Japan, and contents of the journal Shigaku Zasshi (史學雜誌(Shigaku=Zasshi; Journal of the Historical Society of Japan), number 2, 6, 10 published from 2000 to now (2017), this work aims to summarize and evaluate achievement of Japanese scholars on research about education in Vietnam during that period. This will broaden our view about Vietnamese education in the modern era. This survey is organized into two parts:

Part 1: Investigation of research on education in Vietnam from 2000 to now (2017)

Part 2: Evaluation of research achievement and its contribution to the development of Vietnam education in the modern era.

Keywords: Education in Vietnam, Japanese bibliographic sources, 2000 - 2017


1. 古沢常雄、「日本におけるベトナム教育史研究の状況―フランス植民地教育史研究の視点から―」Link tham khảo ngày 20/09/ 2016 http://repo.lib.hosei.ac.jp/handle/10114/6547
2. 戸石泰一 , 「ベトナムの教育」( Giáo dục của Việt Nam)、文化評論(110)(Tạp chí Bình luận Văn hóa)、1970、pp. 112 – 123
3. 古川 原 (Furukawa Gen), 『ヴィエトナム民族・文化・教育 ( Dân tộc, Văn hóa, Giáo dục Việt Nam)』, 明治図書出版, 1969
4. Chikada Masahiro近田政博, 近代ベトナム高等教育の形成過程に関する研究 : 外国教育モデル受容の比較教育学的分析 (Luận án TS), 2003 http://ir.nul.nagoya-u.ac.jp/jspui/handle/2237/6638
5. Kurosawa Kazuhiro黒澤和裕「ベトナムにおけるフランスの植民地教育--現地人教育改良評議会を中心に」( Giáo dục thời kỳ thực dân địa của Pháp ở Việt Nam – Trọng tâm về Hội đồng hoàn thiện giáo dục bản xứ, 『二十世紀研究』 (Tạp chí Nghiên cứu thế kỷ XX) số 3 năm 2002,pp.75-98
6. Tạp chí Shigaku Zasshi các số 2, 6, 10 xuất bản từ năm 2000 đến nay (2016)
7. http://ci.nii.ac.jp/ (trang tra cứu các bài báo, sách xuất bản tại Nhật).
8. 石村雅雄 Ishimura Masao 「ベトナムにおける教師教育制度」日本教育大学協会『世界の教 員養成―アジア編』学文社、2005, pp 165 – 186
9. 田中義孝『ベトナムの教育改革―「子ども中心主義」の教育は実現したの か』明石書店、2008


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