Regiano Setyo Priamantono, Warto -, Akhmad Arif Musaddad

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The objectives of this study are: i) to find out the implementation of character education; ii) to find out the implementation of Piil Pesenggiri local wisdom values ​​as character education in Indonesian history learning; and iii) to find out the obstacles in the implementation of Piil Pesenggiri local wisdom values as character education in Indonesian history learning. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method with a case study approach in State Senior High School 2 Kalianda. The results showed that: i) the implementation of character education in State Senior High School 2 Kalianda was generally applied to all subjects, including Indonesian history subjects; ii) the implementation of Piil Pesenggiri local wisdom values ​​as character education in the process of Indonesian history learning was carried out by compiling a syllabus and lesson plan (RPP) by incorporating into Indonesian historical material about the Lampung people's resistance strategy toward European colonization consisting of the stages of planning, implementation, and evaluation; and iii) the constraints experienced by teachers in implementing Piil Pesenggiri local wisdom values as character education in the process of learning history includes the lack of learning resources and the negative influence of the globalization era.

Keywords: Piil Pesenggiri, Character Education, Indonesian History Learning.


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