Duong My Tham

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It is undeniable that self-regulated learning strategies are a pivotal key to 21st century language education in which learners are provided with freedom to take control over their own learning. Of the types of self-regulated learning strategies, resource management strategies are likely to be underestimated in practice despite the fact that these strategies are believed to assist EFL learners to modify the environment for achieving their learning goals. The study aimed to investigate resource management strategies employed by tertiary non-English majors and to explore the relationship between the students’ use of resource management strategies and their academic achievement. The quantitative research was conducted with the employment of a closed-ended questionnaire which was administered to 117 students taking the TOEIC course. The results indicated that the research participants frequently employed resource management strategies in their English language learning. More importantly, it was found that the more frequently the students used resource management strategies, the higher academic achievement they gained. Such employment of resource management strategies in a Vietnamese EFL context serves as a reference in other similar EFL contexts.

Keywords: Academic achievement; correlation; non-English major; resource management strategies, self-regulated learning.


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