Anita Clapano Oblina, Tran Phuoc Linh, Ho Thanh My Phuong

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This article is taken from the study project, “Job Satisfaction of Basic Education Teachers in Southeast Asia”, a collaborative endeavor among SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) Centers.  It presents the key issues affecting the level of job satisfaction among basic education teachers in Southeast Asia and provides policy recommendations to increase teacher motivation and job satisfaction. The study employs Herzberg’s Dual Factor Theory of Motivation: Hygiene factor and motivator factor; online survey, group discussion and forum are instruments used to gather data.  Analysis of responses has demonstrated that the sources of job dissatisfaction are found to be both hygiene factor and motivator factor. The top three sources of job dissatisfaction are i) job security; ii) work environment; and iii) job responsibility. Significantly, the results indicate that the greatest source of job dissatisfaction is hygiene factor. Further research on key issues affecting teacher job satisfaction unexplored in this study is essential.

Keywords: Basic education teacher, job satisfaction, job facet, policy recommendation.


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