Pham Trung Kien, Tran Thu Huong

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Research on the psychological difficulties and need of mental care for patients and their relatives in the hospital are basic to determine demand for training and using staffs for psychological care. The obtained results found that 32.5% of patients in the hospital had psychological difficulties; percentage of patients who need to share with the medical staff was 42.0%; there had 41.0% of patients in need of comprehensive care; 51.5% of patients relatives needed medical staffs to care for the patients; the rate of medical staffs interested in psychological care for patients was 62.7% but their main skills were of interpretation and encouragement. The leading boards of the surveyed hospitals strongly supported to need teams of experts to care psychologically for patients, in which bachelors of clinical psychology are the most suitable in this issue.


Psychological difficulties; Psychology patients; Clinical Psychology


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