Pham Ngoc Thang, Le Thai Hung, Do Tuan Long, Nguyen Quang Bau

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This paper studies the influence of confined acoustic phonons on the Hall coefficient (HC) in a cylindrical quantum wire (CQW) with an infinite potential (for electron – confined acoustic phonons scattering). The paper considers the case where CQW is placed in a perpendicular magnetic field , a constant electric field  and an intense electromagnetic wave . By using the quantum kinetic equation for electrons interacting with confined optical phonons (COP), analytical expressions for HC are obtained. The application of numerical calculations to GaAs/GaAsAl cylindrical quantum wire shows that the HC depends on magnetic field B, temperature T, frequency Ω and amplitude E0 of laser radiation and on quantum indices m1 and m2 characterizing the phonon confinement. This influence is due to the quantum indices m1 and m2 which increase the Hall coefficient by 2.3 times in comparison with the case of unconfined phonons. When the quantum numbers m1 and m2 go to zero, the result is the same as in the case of unconfined phonons.

Keywords: Hall Coefficient, Quantum kinetic equation, Cylindrycal quantum wire, Confined optical phonons.


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