Vuong Van Hiep, Do Thi Kim Anh, Ngac An Bang, Sai Cong Doanh, Nguyen Duy Thien, Huynh Dang Chinh, Pham Duc Hanh

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In this paper, we present the results of the study of the effect of residual La on crystal structure, magnetic properties of La1+dFe11.05Si1.95 (d = 0.00; 0.03; 0.06 and 0.09) compounds. The analysis of X-ray diffractions showed that when the La content increases to 9%, the structure still remains cubic in a typical NaZn13 arrangement with unchanged lattice constant (about 0.5%). All compounds exhibit ferromagnetic - paramagnetic phase transitions. The Curie temperature TC increases slightly from 235 to 245 K.

Keywords: NaZn13-type cubic structure, Magnetocaloric materials


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