Do Thi Kim Anh

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The pressure effect on the thermopower has been investigated for the Bi1.8Sb0.2Te3.0  alloys. We have found an anisotropic pressure dependence on the thermopower for p- and n-type Bi1.8Sb0.2Te3.0 at room temperature. Along a-axis, for p-type, the thermopower value increased with increase of pressure at a rate of 13.9 %/Gpa, whereas, along c-axis, itkeeps approximately constant.. The absolue value of the thermopower decreased with pressure along both a- and c-axis for n-type. The power factor increased largely with increase of pressure for p-type Bi1.8Sb0.2Te3.0, while it is approximately constant for n-type.


Keywords: Thermoelectric materials, high pressure, eletrical resistivity, thermopower.


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