Phan Thuan

Main Article Content


Abstract: By overview method, the article showed clearly the currently of shifts in social occupational structure in the Mekong Delta. The changes in social structure of jobs in the Mekong Delta is focused on the characters such as labor capability, economic forms, working situation and economic area, which contributes to various characters of shift social structure of  jobs. This article presents that this changes has a positive trend such as reducing argiculture, increasing severice and industry field, labour in private and FDI economic forms growth up; working situtation upward to trend. Althought this changes pointed out the slower pace of shifts in comparison to nationwide pace and unstantain. As there was serveral reasons impact on this changes. Thus, this shift had influenced income, social stratification and migration decision of labor in the Mekong Delta. The article also pointed out some evidences about the different income of labor in economic forms and economic area. The author then provided some suggestions on how to facilitate positive shifts in social occupational structure, such as training and resolving jobs policies, linking to between the famers, the scientist, the state and the business man, restructuring economy, promoting policies and environment investment 

Keywords: Shift, Mekong Delta, economic form, labor migration, occupational structure, shift in occupational structure.

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