Vũ Minh Giang

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Based on the existing historical documents and record materials in Vietnam and
America, this paper recalls the initial contacts between America and Vietnam. These
contacts started with the interest of Thomas Jefferson in information of the book on
Vietnam of Pierre Poivre and then the missions dispatched by the  us  President to
negotiate with the Nguyen dynasty on a trade agreement between the two countries. At
last, all efforts got no results. During 70s of the XIX century, Vietnam was facing the
danger of invasion of the French colony, the Nguyen dynasty sent the envov to us to seek
assistance but the us, with its diplomatic policies, had been giving priority to the relation
with the French Government. The possibility of establishment of diplomatic relation
between the two countries was again missed. Having deeply analyzed events, the author
draws some historical lessons, of which is the emphasis on the significance of the mutual