Trần Thị Quý

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During the two decades of looking for the Vietnamese way to national salvation (1911-
1930) in Nguyen Ai Quoc’s revolutionary life, revolutionary books and journals did play an
extremely significant role.
Books and journals were of great significance in supporting Nguyen Ai Quoc to clearly
determine his in leaving his homeland for search of the Vietnamese way to
national salvation, th a t was, to go to the Western countries to identify the true nature of
what was then called “liberty, equality, fraternity” as held by the Western bourgeoisie.
Books and journals decidedly supported him in accumulating man kind's knowledge and
theories of revolution-making, so as to rise from his genuine patriotism to Marxism-
Books and journals themselves became a sharp weapon for revolutionary struggles
used by Nguyen Ai Quoc as a revolutionary leader, against imperialism and an important
means to disseminate Marxism and Leninism into Vietnam, and to make an active
preparation, ideologically and organizationally, for the coming into being of the Vietnam
Communist Party.