Sử liệu học pháp và Điện Biên Phủ nửa thế kỷ sưu tầm và tranh luận
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The paper provided a general view about data history situation in France in the last
50 years dated from its defeat in Dien Bien Phu Campaign in 1945.
According to the s tatistics, there have been 73 works of 65 authors on Dien Bien
Phu Subject, an average of 1.46 book heads a year, remarkably 23 publications in the
1990s, 22 in the 1960s and 1970s. Servicemen accounted for 11 people among such
authors, reporters: 11, hivstorians: 10, politicians: 4, writers and poets: 11. Among the
publications, there were also some memoirs of commanders and officers who used to
take part in the campaign, and of some military reporters. Historians, writers and
policians were few in this subjects.
The contents of the works laid emphasis on the importance of the defeat, arguing
about its responsibilities, public opions in France about the defeat and researches on
the enemy.
The paper concluded with an assessment on the reasons of France’s defeat in Dien
Bien Phu Campaign. It was not only because of the specific weakness of French
political and military circles, nor the strength of its enemy in terms of defending spirits
for national liberation in the supports of socialist countries, but also and more
generally, of the fact that France could not conceal its profound diversification - a crisis
in system, and of “the histotical gust of wind”, in th is case so called “the