Nguyễn Phạm Hùng

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The ar t icle makes an appreciation of the veracity and relative independence with
respect to the author, his creative work of the Dhvana poem which originated from the
‘Thien Uyen Tap Anh ” - a book of literary type, a book that constitutes the fullest record of the Ly dynasty Dhyana pootiy. Those poems arc but certain “details" coming from an artistic perfect whole that has got the integrity o f a story book. They were governed by the story wr itin g technique o f that period which tended to "record” facts, yet it did not exclude the possibility of some “making up” , some “seasoning” , techniques, thus enabling the Chinese poetic material and the poetic material that had been “handed-down” at the time in Older to h av e ample opportunity to infiltrate into th e creative work in question. That requires us to be most precautions when studying the copywright and the “creative personality4* o f the author, as well as (he artistic ideology o f the work.