Tran Thi Tuyet

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Abstract:Vietnamese higher education has received massive criticism as its graduates do not seem to satisfy employers’ needs. It is suggested that the outdated professional knowledge provided by universities and the poor soft skills university students develop during the time at the university are the direct reasons for the unsatisfaction among employers. This paper, however, aims to challenge this common criticism. It summarises the research outcomes of a doctoral thesis on the topic of “enhancing graduate employability in Vietnam” and suggests that shifting the responsibility for graduate unemployment onto the higher education system in Vietnam is convenient but simplistic. Bridging the gap between the higher education system and the employment market will require the goodwill and efforts from a range of stakeholders. First and foremost, there is a need to develop a close cooperation and connection between the higher education system and industry. This is essential for the building of a practical curriculum to develop students’ enterprise skills desired by employers. It requires the effort of not only the educational system, but also of the employer in enhancing graduate employability in Vietnam.

Keywords:Higher education, industry, unemployment, responsibility, human resource management.


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