Ton Quang Cuong, Koji Tsuji, Sapto Ashardianto, Tomoyoshi Komiyama, Jun Nomura, Satoko Baba, Ryugo Oshima

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Abstract:In today’s multicultural and interconnected communities, there are obvious benefits to  promote the number of “internationalization components” of teacher education program to communicate with global and regional context. The process of renewing curricula focuses on new integrated conception of curriculum development, on a structural and process level (modularization, interdisciplinary structures), regional context (internationalization, flexibility and mobility), and educational values and intended outcomes (lifelong/life-wide learning skills, competence-orientation/outcomes in a knowledge society, etc.) to fit the principles of ASEAN education manifests (AUN, AIMS, SEAMEO-RIHED etc.). Therefore, it is fruitful to discuss the issue of integrated teacher education program concerning the context of teacher preparation offered in a comprehensive university. By synthesizing the related theoretical frameworks of curriculum development and evaluating the structure of the integrated program that has been implemented in VNU University of Education (VNU UED), this paper brings up some issues of teacher education curriculum components offered for pre-service teacher education in a comprehensive university, as well as proposes integrated curriculum internal and external mobility strategies.

Keywords:Integrated curriculum, teacher education curriculum mobility, perspectives/models of curriculum mobility.


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