Dao Thi Le Thuy, Le Nhu Thuc

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Abstract: The Randall-Sundrum (RS) model is one of the most attractive candidates to solve the gauge hierarchy problem in the Standard Model (SM). This is a model in five-dimensional space time with a warped extra spatial dimension compactified on the orbifold S1/Z2. This paper studies  the production of the radion and Z  boson in the  collision process with the polarization of the  beams. The study results show that the value of the differential cross-section is the greatest when the angle between the direction of the beam radion and beamapproximately 90 degrees for  and 180 degrees for . Based on the results, it is expected that the reaction can give observable cross-sections in Larger Hadron Collider (LHC) at a high degree of polarization.

Keywords: Higgs boson, radion, RS, cross-section, .


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