Vo Van Viet, Dang Thi Thu Phuong

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Education and training is the decisive factor to improve the intellectual potentials and creative capacity of people. Today, more than ever before in human history, the wealth – or poverty – of nations depends on the quality of higher education, but the quality of education is reflected through student learning outcomes. Understanding factors affecting learning outcome could help educators in developing methods to improve education quality. The main mobjective of this study was to determine the factors as well as the degree of influence of these factors on student learning outcomes. Seven factors have been identified affecting the student's academic performance includingintellectual ability, learning preferences (students themselves), motivation of parents (family), facilities, scholarships (schools), peer pressure, social pressure (society). These seven factors affect the study results at different levels
Student, learning outcome, factors.
[1] Ali, N., Jusoff, K., Ali, S., Mokhtar, N., & Salamat, A.S.A. (2009). The Factors Influencing Students’ Performance at University Technology, Malaysia. International Journal of Education, 3, 81-90.
[2] Bratti, M. and Staffolani, S. (2002), Student Time Allocation and Educational Production Functions, Conference paper at the XIV annual EALE conference.
[3] Checchi, D., Franzoni, F., Ichino, A. and Rustichini, A. (2000), College Choice and Academic Performance, version of paper prepare for the conference on "Politiche pubbliche per il lavoro" in Pavia.
[4] Karemera, D. (2003). The effects of academic environment and background characteristics on students’ satisfaction and performance. The case of South Carolina State University’s school of Business. College student Journal, 37(2), 298-11.
[5] Majoribanks, K. (1996), Family learning environments and students’ outcomes: A Review. Journal of comparative family studies. 27(2) 373-394.
[6] Pashler, H., McDaniel, M., Rohrer, D., & Bjork, R. (2008). Learning styles: Concepts and evidence. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 9(3), 106 - 119.
[7] Schiefele, U., Krapp, A., & Winteler, A. (1992). Interest as a predictor of academic achievement: A meta-analysis of research. The role of interest in learning and development (pp. 183-212). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Keywords: Student, learning outcome, factors


[1] Ali, N., Jusoff, K., Ali, S., Mokhtar, N., & Salamat, A.S.A. (2009). The Factors Influencing Students’ Performance at University Technology, Malaysia. International Journal of Education, 3, 81-90.
[2] Karemera, D. (2003). The effects of academic environment and background characteristics on students’ satisfaction and performance. The case of South Carolina State University’s school of Business. College student Journal, 37(2), 298-11.
[3] Majoribanks, K. (1996), Family learning environments and students’ outcomes: A Review. Journal of comparative family studies. 27(2) 373-394.
[4] Pashler, H., McDaniel, M., Rohrer, D., & Bjork, R. (2008). Learning styles: Concepts and evidence. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 9(3), 106 – 119
[5] Schiefele, U., Krapp, A., & Winteler, A. (1992). Interest as a predictor of academic achievement: A meta-analysis of research. The role of interest in learning and development (pp. 183-212). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.