Duong Tuan Anh, Tran Hoai Phuong

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Kinh Thi is one of the five classic books of Confucianism which was even considered "a textbook" of the whole society, learned and popularized by scholars at some times. Kinh Thi through the teachings of Confucius was scatteringly written in many ancient books in which, there were lots of teachings of great cultural and educational value becoming classics. This article focuses on some of the typical teachings that guide the teaching of Literature in Vietnam highschools. Basically, it reaffirms the sustainability of the methods that Confucius mentioned before.

Keywords: Kinh Thi, Confucius, teaching Literature


[1] Tư Mã Thiên: Sử kí, Trung Hoa thư cục, 1959
( 司馬遷: 史記, 中華書局, 1959).
[2] Trương Yến Anh chú thích (2006): Luận ngữ, Trung Hoa thư cục (张燕婴 译注: 论语-中华经典藏书 , 中华书局 , 2006).
[3] Nguyễn Hồng Vân dịch (2011), Các phương pháp dạy học hiệu quả, NXB Giáo dục Việt Nam.


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