Ngo Tu Lap

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Since the foundation of the first modern university in Berlin in 1809 as a realization of Immanuel Kant’s idea, this special institution has gone through many changes in terms of its functions and operational models. The most significant trend today is probably Uberization involving all aspects of higher heducation. Uberization, in our opinion, will lead to the non-campus higher education model and perhaps the death of the traditional university.


[1] Graff, Gerald, Beyond the Culture Wars: How Teaching the Conflicts Can Revitalize American Education, New York: Norton, 1993.
[2] Readings, Bill, The University in Ruins, Cambridge: Harvard U.P, 1996.
[3] Kant, Immanuel, The Conflict of the Faculties [1798], trans. Mary J. Gregor, New York: Abaris Books, 1979.
[4] Kant, Immanuel, What is Enlightenment? 1784.
[5] Bộ giáo dục và đào tạo, Thông tư Số 22/2017/TT-BGDĐT, Ban hành Quy định điều kiện, trình tự, thủ tục mở ngành đào tạo và đình chỉ tuyển sinh, thu hồi quyết định mở ngành đào tạo trình độ
đại học.


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