Phan Hoang Dieu Linh

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Although teaching and learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) has reached the post-method era, which means no single method is considered the best way of teaching, the use of translation and first language (L1) instruction remain a much avoided element in many English classrooms. Nevertheless, current studies in Vietnam have shown that both teachers and students are supportive of, or at least not against the idea of moderately using L1 in EFL classes. This study aims at further exploring the effectiveness of translation as a pedagogic tool in an EFL class for Vietnamese non-English majored students. After comparing the students’ performance after learning through translation method and other methods with no use of L1, it seems that the students who were taught using translation tasks were able to use items of vocabulary and language structures they have just learned more frequently and precisely. It was also discovered that the act of translating not only provided the students with more learning opportunities but also enabled the teacher to monitor the students’ progress more closely. Despite being a preliminary work, this study hopes to contribute as an evidence supporting the use of translation as part of a multi-section lesson of EFL.

Keywords: Translation, L1 usage, code-switching, non-English majored students.


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