Bui Vu Anh, Dinh Thi Thu Trang

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Education accreditation is the process of external quality assessment conducted by education quality accreditation agents to evaluate colleges, universities, and training programs to ensure and improve education quality. This study aims to show the level of fulfilment of accreditation requirements for training programs by examining the results of quality accreditation of training programs in the country from 2017 to 2023. The evaluation of the quality of training programs through the accreditation results in this study focuses on two aspects: researching on each criterion examination and on the relation of Result creteria with the rest. The research results show that, when examining each criterion individually, most of the training programs meet the requirements set forth by the educational quality accreditation. However, when analyzing in pair of Result criteria with others, the authors found a corresponding mismatch in meeting the requirements of program quality accreditation. This finding helps education quality assurance practitioners and institutions make adjustments to improve the quality of training programs.

Keywords: Education accreditation, education quality, education quality assurance.


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