Trinh Van Mung, Pham Khac Hung

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Abstract. The simulation of dynamical process of target particles in one-dimensional lattice is
carried out for two types of energetic disorders. The particles are non-interacting except that ttre
double occupancy is forbidden. It is found that the diffusion quantities such as the correlation
factor and averaged time between two subsequent jumps are quite different for the lattices of site
and transition disorders. However, the diffusion constant of both lattices is close to each other.
Closed value of diffusion constant is obtained for the lattice with random distributed barriers. At
the wide temperahue range the diffusivity follows the Arrhenius law. The blocking effect
decreases the correlation factor and activation energy. These two opposite factors lead to
appearance of insignificant maximum in the dependence of diffusion constant on concentration of
targetparticles. .
Keywords: diffusion, amorphous solid, disordered one-dimension, simulation, blocking effect.


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